Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00

Rooms of dignitaries

Komnatka dostojnika. Na posadzce ceramiczne płytki w kolorze brunatno czerwonym pomieszane z elementami w kolorze zielonym. Na ścianach słabo widoczne fragmenty polichromii. Sklepienie wsparte na służkach sklepiennych. W ścianie na wprost dwa oszklone zakończone ostrymi łukami okna. W niszy dwie kamienne ławy.Pod oknem drewniany stół i dwa krzesła kryte skórą. Pod ściana po prawej drewniana szafka i krzesło kryte skórą.
Rooms of dignitaries

A series of small rooms located on the main floor of the west wing of the High Castle housed successively: on the northern side, the housing complex of the monastic treasurer (treasurer) in charge of the finances, with a vestibule, a room, a treasury (the so-called silver chamber) and a servant room, i.e. the treasurer’s chamber. In the center there were rooms belonging to the house commander responsible for the administration and supply of the castle, with a vestibule, a room and a bedroom. Behind them, from the south, there were the halls of the brewer and the chef. The architecture of the present interiors is the result of the restaurant realized by Conrad Steinbrecht in the years 1889-1902. Remains of wall paintings with biblical scenes from that period have been preserved on the walls. The current arrangement refers to the arrangement of these interiors in 1892. They were filled with exhibits that are partially copies of Gothic furniture, and partially original ones from modern times.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78