Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 16:00


Monuments of Technology

Wnętrze młyna. Ściana po prawej stronie murowana, po lewej drewniana. W murowanej ścianie okno zakończone łagodnym łukiem. Pośrodku stoi duża maszyna do mielenia zboża składająca się min z kół zębatych, sit, wsypu na zboże. Pod ścianą w rogu wypełnione worki.

LorMonuments of Technology is the youngest of the castle collections – it was established in 2003. At present, it has 25 objects divided into three groups: the first one includes mechanical devices that constitute the permanent equipment of the groats mill at the High Castle. The team includes: a mill, walker, sifter, mill and treadmill. The next group includes a set of eleven quernstones, the oldest of which dates back to the 10th – 11th centuries. The third group consists of the remains of a windmill called Królewskie Pachola, built in 1831 in Krzewsk, near Elbląg, financed by the King of Prussia, Frederick William III. It was one of the oldest windmills in Żuławy, used to drain the area. Its originality lay in the fact that the bucket wheel was placed inside the building. Later ones had such wheels on the outside. It was dismantled in 1913, and its drive elements were moved to the High Castle in Malbork. The enormous vertical and wing shafts were placed under the western cloister, and the cog and bucket wheels near Gdanisko. The vertical shaft of the Królewskie Pachola windmill was carved from a single log of wood. 


Reccomended reading:

 B. Pospieszna, Młyny and their mechanical devices in Malbork and the surrounding area, [in:] Młyny in Malbork and its vicinity from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century, Malbork 2004



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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78