Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00


Amber – a Natural and Cultural Phenomenon

Fotografia kolorowa. Kobieta z uniesionymi do góry rękami ubrana w błękitne body. Na głowie ozdoba w kształcie korony. Na szyi bardzo duży wisior na prostej obręczy długi pas wysadzany drobnymi bursztynami. Na jego długości dwa proste krzyże. Wokół postaci kobiety rozwiane kolorowe przezroczyste szale.

Last Saturday, the Grand Refectory transformed into something completely different – a rich exhibition of modern amber jewellery combined with a fashion show. The audience had an opportunity to see the works of two prominent designers – Aleksander Gliwiński and Ireneusz Glaz, whose presence at the event was not random – they are the only two jewellery designers to have won the Złota Pętelka prize. This is currently the most prestigious and desired fashion prize in Poland, awarded to designers and producers for outstanding achievements, as well as individuals and companies who have made significant contributions to fashion. The show also included magnificent designs by Magdalena Arłukiewicz and Barbara Piekut – two designers who are well known in Polish and international fashion circles. Both gave a display of sublime elegance and formal evening dresswear. The evening was also an opportunity for younger designers to shine – finalists of the 2nd Jagoda Komorowska National Fashion Contest “Black on White”, whose theme in 2023 was “the magic of amber in fashion”, and which was organised by the Jacek Mydlarski Visual Arts Secondary School in Gdańsk. All this was complemented by stage decorations and graphic works by Lech J. Zdrojewski and multimedia effects crafted by Kinga Gełdon-Czech. The amazing models performed a choreography created by Dorota Walkiewicz (12 media), a celebrated contributor to various fashion shows. Renaissance and Baroque music could be heard throughout the event, performed by an early music ensemble led by Ryszard Skotnicki and consisting of: Magdalena Jędrzejewska – harpsichord, Magdalena Warżawa – bass flute, Maria Skotnicka – flute, Agata Warżawa – flute, Martyna Warżawa – violin, Jakub Wagner – guitar and Franciszek Olbryś – Percussion. The event was hosted by Jadwiga Możdżer. The show could not have taken place without its partners – the OKO-LICE KULTURY foundation and the NOTABENE Pomeranian Monument Protection Foundation, as well as the co-organisers – Aleksander Gliwiński, Ireneusz and Karina Glaza (CHILLI Jewellery), Magdalena Arłukiewicz, Barbara Piekut and Dobrochna Walkiewicz. The fashion show and amber jewellery exhibition being organised within the halls of the Malbork Castle Museum is part of our effort to promote not only our world-famous amber jewellery collection, but also amber itself, which remains relatively unexplored despite being part of Poland’s unique cultural heritage. This was the first event of its type organised here, and we hope that it becomes a regular occurrence accompanying temporary exhibitions presenting the best of contemporary amber jewellery.

Kolorowa fotografia. Dwie kobiety. Kobieta po lewej stronie ujęta lekko bokiem ubrana na biało. Długie blond włosy zaczesane do góry i spięte w koński ogon. W uszach ma duże kolczyki z ciemnym i jasnym bursztynem. Kobieta po prawej stronie sfotografowana przodem. Włosy zaczesane gładko do góry, twarz odsłonięta. Góra sukni z głębokim odkryciem z przodu, wyszywana jest błyszczącymi koralikami. Na szyi wisiorek składający się z okrągłych i podłużnych elementów.
Kolorowa fotografia przedstawia modelki idące prosto jedna za drugą. Po bokach na krzesłach siedzi publiczność.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78