Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00


The Business Potential of Cultural Heritage

Na białym tle po prawej stronie dwa puzzle w jasnym kolorze trzymane w dwóch palcach jak do złożenia.Po lewej stronie napis Potencjał dziedzictwa kulturowego dla biznesu. Jak budować efektywne partnerstwo kultury i biznesu. Ośrodek konferencyjny karwan Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku ulica Starościńska 1 Malbork. Malbork 23 lutego 2024 roku. Poniżej loga Funduszy Norweskich, Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego i Muzeum Zamkowego w Malborku.

Join us for the course ‘The Business Potential of Cultural Heritage. Building an Effective Partnership Between Culture and Business’.

23 February 2024
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

KARWAN Conference Centre
Malbork Castle Museum
Ul. Starościńska 1, Malbork

Participation is free of charge.
The number of participants is limited. Registration is required to participate:

More information:
Tel. 55 647 2711

A word from the organisers

Join us for an interactive training course created
by practitioners, for practitioners, based on our experience
gained over the course of many years of managing inspiring projects
straddling the worlds of business and culture. Thanks to this dual
perspective, despite both of us being employees of
Wawel Castle, we can help you find
the most effective way to build an effective
partnership between business and culture, and look at it from the points of view of
two vastly different stakeholders. The goal of the course is to determine
how valuable cultural heritage is to various business
entities, and share useful knowledge backed by
examples of partnerships established between the museum and
businesses, with the purpose of demonstrating how to leverage effective partnerships
to transform heritage into added value
that benefits businesses and cultural institutions.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Beata Hodorowicz and Aleksandra Schoen-Żmijowa
Wawel Royal Castle

Detailed course plan – attachment


Course schedule:

9:00 AM – Greeting and start of the meeting
9:15 – Module I Introduction – The potential of mutual relations between culture and business.
11:30 AM – Module II Establishing an effective partnership with companies I
1:40 PM – Break
2:10 PM – Module II Establishing an effective partnership with companies II
3:10 PM Module III Inspiration, and not only from Wawel Castle – or examples of effective partnerships between culture and business
4:10 PM – Module IV Malbork Castle, the product
5:00 PM – Course summary and end of the meeting.


Buy tickets online

Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78