Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00


Training Report – the Impact of Climate Change on Historical Architecture

On 18 April, the final training session conducted as part of the project ‘Altering the Historic Utility Buildings in the Outer Ward of Malbork Castle and Adapting Them to Cultural and Education Purposes’ took place, which was part of the Culture Programme financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014–2021 and the Republic of Poland. The training programme, which focused on the impact of global climate change on the condition of historical buildings, was conducted by the Toruń-based Stabilo foundation. The purpose of the session was to present potential hazards impacting such buildings caused by global climate change, as well as ways of mitigating these hazards. Issues discussed included climate change, spatial transformations around historical buildings, social

and legal changes, as well as restoring and modernising historical architecture in the context of the climate and energy crisis. The participants could gain insight into new technologies and the dangers and opportunities associated with them.

The session also included a workshop section and a discussion. The target audience included conservation staff working on preserving the architecture of Malbork Castle, members of conservation and construction project departments from other regional museums, as well as members of conservation offices. Also invited to participate were academics involved in researching the climate of historical interiors and monument conservation.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78