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MZM Publishing

Publishing Procedure



General provisions

This publishing procedure applies to all reviewed works published by the Castle Museum in Malbork.

The publisher, editors, reviewer and author(s) are obliged to comply with the Publishing Procedure, the Review Procedure and the Principles of Publishing Ethics in force at the Castle Museum in Malbork.

The Publishing House of the Castle Museum in Malbork makes decisions about the circulation, sale price, method of distribution, carriers and form of dissemination of publications as well as promotion of publications.

Publishing procedures

The secretary of the Publishing Board accepts materials prepared in accordance with the Publishing Instructions attached as Appendix 1, together with the Declaration signed by the author, the template of which is attached as Appendix 2.
Materials should be submitted by October 31 of the year preceding publication. The exceptions are exhibition catalogues, texts for Castle Studies and promotional materials.
All materials referred to in par. 1 are subject to a preliminary assessment by the Publishing Committee. It is the duty of the members of the College to evaluate the texts in terms of compliance with the principles of publishing ethics, reliability, scientific value as well as substantive and formal requirements.

The submitted text is verified with a license anti-plagiarism program. An unfavorable test result results in the materials being returned to the author for clarification.

The Publishing College indicates specialists in a given field of knowledge who perform reviews in accordance with the adopted principle of double-blind peer review (the reviewer and the author are anonymous). The final selection of the reviewer is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Accepted materials are submitted for review in accordance with the adopted Review Procedure. The reviewer assesses the quality of the text and prepares its written evaluation. Each delivered review must bear the date of execution and the reviewer’s handwritten signature. The review form is attached as Appendix 3.

After obtaining a positive review, the author is obliged to make appropriate written corrections according to the reviewer’s comments and submit the revised material to the Publishing Board, which will forward the material to the reviewer.

A negative review is tantamount to rejection of the text. However, the author, after taking into account the reviewer’s comments and improving it, may submit the material again.

The Publishing Board prepares the final opinion qualifying for printing, which is submitted to the Editor-in-Chief of the Castle Museum Publishing House
in Malbork.

The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on accepting the text for publication.

The secretary of the Publishing College prepares a draft agreement on the transfer or acquisition of copyrights to the work. The secretary of the Publishing Board submits the draft agreement to the Director of the Castle Museum
in Malbork.

The material accepted for printing is subject to scientific and linguistic editing as well as obligatory proofreading of the text. By accepting or rejecting the proposed suggestions, the author approves the final version of the material.
Graphic design of the material. The publisher decides in which series and layout the material submitted by the author will be published. If the text formally and substantively is included in an already existing publishing series – the material will be adapted to the series in editorial terms. If the material cannot be included in an existing publishing series, the publisher commissions a graphic design of the interior and cover of the publication.

Linguistic and technical corrections and author’s proofreading on the broken text.

15. The secretary of the Publishing Committee undertakes the actions necessary to submit the material for printing.

16. Book printing.

17. Transfer of copyright and mandatory copies.

18. The author of the publication cooperates with the Malbork Castle Museum in activities aimed at promoting his book, including:

– prepares a text (about 1600 typographic characters with spaces) emphasizing the attractiveness of the book and a short note about himself, which can be used on the cover;

– prepares information presenting the subject of the work and the advantages distinguishing it from other works;

– participates in meetings with authors organized by the Castle Museum
in Malbork.


attachment no. 1 – Publisher’s instruction DOWNLOAD

attachment no. 2 – Statement of the author of the text DOWNLOAD

attachment no. 3 – Review form DOWNLOAD


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