Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00


“The Depth of Worlds. Henryk Feilhauer” – temporary exhibition

Join us at the exhibition presenting the work of Henryk Feilhauer, an outstanding copper engraver and artist associated with the Malbork ex libris.
Sala wystawowa. Na ściankach wystawienniczych zawieszone prace.

Henryk Feilhauer was born in 1942 in Czechowice-Dziedzice, and he owes his first fascination with art to a drawing teacher in a middle school. During his studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, he found himself in the studio of prof. Jerzy Hoppen, from whom he received a copper engraving stylus, which accompanied him throughout his creative period. During this period, he met Wojciech Jakubowski, who introduced the young student to the world of ex libris as an art that expresses artistic tastes. After graduation, he worked as a teacher in the Człuchów junior high school. In 1971, he moves to the coast, where he works as an artist in Stocznia Gdyńska im. of the Paris Commune. During this period of creativity, he mainly deals with medallic art, interior and furniture design, applied graphics and painting. He is actively involved in the Solidarity movement, being, among others, the creator of the project of the monument to the victims in 1970 in Gdynia and the designer of the grilles for the Chapel of the People of the Sea in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Gdynia. His studio in Gdynia becomes a meeting place for Solidarity activists.

In the early 1980s, he returns to artistic work. It is then that a series of works is created that evoke inner peace and fantastic ideas. They are a reflection of the real world, but they are also expeditions into the unknown corners of the imagination. His works are noticed at world competitions and reviews, individual exhibitions are organized. In 1988, he moves with his family to Bad Salzdetfurth in Germany – this is the most mature period of his work.

Gablota wystawiennicza. Po lewej stronie oprawiony w ramkę dyplom po prawej grafika. pośrodku na podwyższeniu płytka miedziana używana podczas przygotowywania grafik Poniżej rylec i poduszka, których używają artyści miedziorytnicy.

Henryk Feilhauer has been associated with the Malbork Contemporary Exlibris Biennale from the very beginning of the competition – in his student days as a participant in the competition, then as a laureate, juror and chairman of the jury. In 1994, his first exhibition of collages was organized in Malbork. He died on January 1, 1999 in Bad-Salzdetfurth.

The depth of the worlds. Henryk Feilhauer refers to the virtuosity of the art of copper engraving, to looking at works, people and the world around them. The muted and intimate graphic works presented at the exhibition express subjective experiences, intimate experiences and fleeting moods. The engravings invite to dialogue, to enter this world and experience it in your own way. In his works, the artist invites us to activate our own imagination in order to decipher the creator’s intentions or give this work our own interpretation.

Niebieska ścianka wystawiennicza z zawieszonymi na niej oprawionymi w ramki pracami graficznymi.

Wystawa, która prezentuje twórczość Henryka Feilhauera (1942 – 1999) to przegląd prac znajdujących się w prywatnych zbiorach państwa Haliny i Romana Micińskich. Będzie to zestawienie prac z zakresu małej formy graficznej, rysunków oraz kolaży, które powstawały w latach 1963 – 1998.

Fotografia kolorowa. Duże pomieszczenie z wysokim sklepieniem i kamienną posadzką. Na pierwszym planie podest ogrodzony ścianką z napisem Pracownia miedziorytnika w języku polskim i angielskim. Na tle ścianki prosty drewniany regał z książkami a przed nim biurko z szufladami. Po lewej stronie na podeście prasa drukarska ustawiona na drewnianym stole.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78