Visiting hours today: 9:00 - 15:00

Siege of Malbork 2023

Data: 21 lipca 2023 - 23 lipca 2023

Grafika informacyjna na temat oblężenia Malborka.W lewym górnym rogu logo UNESCO. W prawym dolnym rogu czerwonymi literami stylizowanymi na średniowieczne napis Oblężenie Malborka 21 - 23 lipca 2023. pośrodku pięć zdjęć przedstawiających uczestników i sceny z poprzednich edycji.

From July 21 to July 23, 2023, the Malbork Castle will turn into a vibrant medieval city, and in the evenings it will become a place of a spectacular battle that has an eternal place in history.

As in the old days, knights will set up a camp near the castle. There will be knight duels and horse shows. You can count on showcases of spectacular stunts. Finally, the best horsemen will come to Malbork, and the army will present itself in full, historical armament. During the renactment, brave warriors can be seen in the areas around the castle, as well as on the stage. After all, a siege included scenes of knight duels. The same stage will also host theater performances and concerts.

As usual, a craft fair will be held in Międzymurze. There will be plenty to taste, see and learn about various secrets that us ordinary mortals have no access to on a daily basis. Blacksmiths, cooks, shoemakers, tailors will share the secrets of their craft with you. Juggling with flags is another attraction we have prepared for you. Together, we will also forge a sword of Damascus steel.

We didn’t forget about our youngest! We have prepared a “Children’s Castle” with theatres, jugglers, workshops and games. Several animators will conduct various activities related to the Middle Ages with children. This year’s Siege of Malbork is also a unique opportunity to visit the castle. Especially on Friday and Saturday evenings, when  a “Knight’s Adventure at the Castle” will take place.

In the evenings (July 21 and 22), the battle will be re-enacted twice. The showcase refers to the events of 1410, when the Polish-Lithuanian army led by King Władysław Jagiełło stormed the Malbork stronghold. What was the further course of events of this unforgettable fight? Did the Teutonic Order manage to repel the king’s attack? Let’s find out by the glow of torches, moving into the medieval atmosphere of the spectacle … Welcome to Malbork!

Detailed information about the event can be found on the special website


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Opening Hours

  • Mon:9:00 - 16:00
  • Tue - Sun:9:00 - 15:00


Tourist Information

  • +48 55 647 08 00
  • +48 55 647 09 02
  • +48 55 647 09 78